Yogi Tea Classic 17 bags
Yogi Tea Classic 17 bags
Stock available 9

Yogi Tea Classic 17 bags

Manufacturer: Yogi Tea

Infusion Ayurvedic ginger, cardamom and cinnamon.
Stock available 9


SKU: 2440255


TheClassic Yogi Tea infusion combines various exotic spices: ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper. The result of this mixture? A delicious and warming drink.

All of these spices have many benefits, recognized by Indian ayurveda, a philosophy and a form of traditional medicine:

  • The medicinal plant that is ginger supports good health of the respiratory, mobility of joints, the natural defences of the organism; It also participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  • Cardamom is involved in digestion, participates in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

  • Cinnamon contributes to physical, mental capacity and health of the skin.

  • Clove is also involved in digestion, participates in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and supports the respiratory comfort.

  • Pepper supports the immune system, the liver function. He participates in the functioning of the nervous system.

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