Remond DBB dBb'Dose white and green
Remond DBB dBb'Dose white and green
Stock available 2

Remond DBB dBb'Dose white and green

Manufacturer: dBb Remond

Dsitributeur of milk powder to facilitate the preparation of baby bottles.
Stock available 2


SKU: 7209205


Remond DBB dBb'Dose white and green is a distributor of powdered milk. The sealed air tank can hold up to 700 g of powder, the equivalent of 17 bottles of 240 ml. It is suitable for bottles wide opening, standard neck and of all sizes.

The Distributor Remond DBB dBb'Dose white and green has:-a cover,-a push,-a blender,-a base with suction cup,-a lock,-a tank release button,-a DOSER block,-a tank,-a guide to bottle,-a bottle booster (high or low position).

Practical and hygienic, it delivers you the required amount of milk powder to each press.


Distributor of milk powder for wide opening, standard collar and sizes of bottles.

Directions for use:

-Remove the lid and pour the milk powder, then close the cover.-Press once the button so that the measuring block fills.-Place or hold the bottle under the dispenser (with or without the booster seat).-Press on a regular basis the button until you hear 2 click to get the first dose.-Leave the pusher back to its original position after each press. Support as much as necessary in order to have the desired amount.




1 milk dispenser.