Urgo Feet Hands Chapped Treatment 5 hydrocolloid dressings
Urgo Feet Hands Chapped Treatment 5 hydrocolloid dressings
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Urgo Feet Hands Chapped Treatment 5 hydrocolloid dressings

Manufacturer: Urgo

Treatment with Glycerine, relieves, softens and gently removes
In Stock


SKU: 6005470
Urgo calluses 5 Gel dressings

Overview : repeated friction, pressure painful, the arch is an area prone to calluses which materialize through a skin sur-paissie on a localized part of foot. dressing URGO treatment calluses is an effective solution to regain good health without callus feet : * from its application, it relieves pain by eliminating pressure areas * then it eliminates the pre-ulcer smoothly by emollient effect thanks to the moisturizing action of Glycerin , in addition to the creation of the mass hydrocolloid. use Board : leave the bandage in place until it detaches itself. Once the bandage off, for better efficiency of treatment, retrirez excess softened skin on the surface of the area concerned and then paste it back into a new dressing Urgo treatment calluses if necessary.