Ladrome 17 Gnavelle 10ml
Ladrome 17 Gnavelle 10ml
Stock available 1

Ladrome 17 Gnavelle 10ml

Manufacturer: Ladrôme

Promotes the return of a strong determination
Stock available 1


SKU: 7980415
Ladrome 17 Gnavelle 10 ml


Organic flower essences


Promotes the return of a strong determination and an inner balance.

directions for use:

Dilute 4 drops in a glass of water (or dispense 4 drops under the tongue) on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening at sunset.


The Gnavelle is advisable: capricious persons who are unable to decide between 2 or more decisions to people who tend to change opinion and mood continuously.


Cognac *, aqueous Infusion of Scleranthus annuus * * Ingredients from organic agriculture.