Mercurochrome Coricide Dressings box of 12
Mercurochrome Coricide Dressings box of 12
Stock available 10

Mercurochrome Coricide Dressings box of 12

Manufacturer: Mercurochrome

Local treatment of corns to kernels extra hard.
Stock available 10


SKU: 2050231


Coricides Mercurochrome dressings are designed to gently remove the thickening of the skin of the foot, such as the corns, calluses or the eyes Partridge. They can also relieve annoying pain that may occur and interfere with the market.  

Locally, they treat these Hyperkeratosis with salicylic acid they contain. They avoid that the lesions will crack and get infected.

Leg bandages, adhesive, is properly and efficiently maintained on the skin.


Coricides bandages.

Directions for use:

Daily, after a warm foot bath and have cleaned and dried the lesion, apply the protective foam of the dressing on the wound. Be careful to not spill on healthy skin.


  • The dressing should not be used in case of allergies to the salicylates or another component, in the case of infected corns.
  • The dressing is to use individual and unique.
  • The product can cause irritation.
  • Stop the application if you experience pain.
  • In the case of Arteritis, diabetes or neuropathy, consult your doctor before use.
  • Box to keep out of the reach of children.


A box of 12 bandages.