To pleasantly fragrance your home and benefit from healthy, clean air!
Interior fragrances, scented candles, vacuum cleaner purifiers, essential oil complexes for diffusion… All of these products are dedicated to freshening, purifying or fragrancing the ambiant air of your domestic environment and home!
In this category, Sanareva has chosen the products that will allow you to benefit from clean, healthy and pleasantly fragranced air.
Also discover Aspiréa granules: scented granules for vacuum cleaners which purify and frangrance your interior. With these vacuum cleaner purifiers, your home will be clean and smell pleasant!
For delicately scented air with subtle fragrances all around the home, have you heard of the Florame scented bouquets? Rattan sticks in a pretty bottle which diffuses a mixture of perfumes and Florame essential oils by capillary action. These interior fragrances give life to your home by adding a sensory dimension./p>
If you want to rapidly change the scent of your interior, essential oil air sprays or home fragrance sprays allow you, in the blink of an eye, to create a warm, inviting, invigorating atmosphere... with soothing, flowery, spiced notes... depending on the scents you like.
In this selection, fans of diffusers can also find essential oil complexes designed for diffusers as well as aroma diffusers: scents that guarantee a fragrant atmosphere for several weeks.
Finally, when it comes to the bedroom, create an atmosphere that is condudive to relaxation and sleep with a pillow mist: a touch of serenity before bedtime!