Sensations of heat, stinging, itching... The cold sore, generally found on the outside of the lip or nostril, is an infected blister that burns, causes the need to scratch and can ooze before forming a scab. A visible symptom of labial herpes, it is very contagious and requires a local antiviral treatment.
To treat a cold sore at all stages of its development, Compeed offers invisible cold sore patches. These, formulated with hydrocolloid-075, help to sooth the pain, itching and burning sensations, to dry out the wound, promote healing, but also prevent the risk of contamination and scabbing.
The Pranarom Labiarom labial gel works thanks to the properties of 100% pure and natural antiviral essential oils. To apply at least six times per day onto the cold sore as soon as it starts to form, it soothes the stinging and promotes its disappearance.