Fleurs de Bach 24 Pine 20ml
Fleurs de Bach 24 Pine 20ml
Stock available 6

Fleurs de Bach 24 Pine 20ml

Manufacturer: Fleurs de Bach

Challenge, guilt.
Stock available 6


SKU: 7839740
Bach 24 Pine - Scots 20 ml pine flower

presentation of the product.

Challenge, guilt. The Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris) is suitable for people who feel a sense of guilt and to constantly question. They consider themselves responsible for the faults of others. or even of everything that goes wrong. and feel unworthy and undeserving. Their guilt complex and their sense of shame do not necessarily rely on something concrete. but any possibility of joie de vivre is destroyed. These people seem humble and merge in apology. They apologize even to be sick and sometimes feel that they have earned their illness or their suffering. Not to be confused with self-loathing - even. The positive potential is a boost of energy. vitality and the zest for life. Responsibilities are accepted in a realistic manner and by exercising judgment. The Scots pine type positive is accepts and respects himself just as he accepts and respects others. without overly negative judgement. Dr. Bach has written about the Scots pine: '... Any condemnation of ourselves or others is a condemnation of the universal creation of love. She we restricted and limited our power to infuse universal love to others. Account drops of 20ml. Net volume: 20ml.

operating tips:

2 drops in a glass of water or on the language 4 times per day. Do not exceed the specified daily dose.