Arkopharma: natural dietary supplements.
Since its foundation in 1980 near to Nice (France), the Arkopharma pharmaceutical laboratory have developed a real expertise in the field of natural dietary supplements. Their general approach is to offer quality plant-based products for the beauty and well-being of everyone. Amongst their most well-known products, Forcapil is a dietary supplement for hair and nail care (with very good customer reviews!). There is also Arkovital Magnesium B6 Capsules, Chondro-Aid ArkoflexFort, Azinc Forme et Vitalité… and many others!
Arkopharma have also developed the Arkogélules range, which is made up of supplement capsules to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of a plant in its whole form. Fenugreek, Ginger, Garcinia, Cranberry, Bacopa… Choose from the many Arkopharma offered by Sanareva!