Products and accessories to sooth toothache!
Around the age of 6 months, baby starts teething: their milk teeth begin to make an appearance. This delicate moment often leads to tears, disrupted sleep, recurrant biting, swollen gums... And this can quickly become an ordeal for the whole family! When baby is teething, it is not at all pleasant and can even prevent them from bottle-feeding. The important thing is to sooth the dental pain and comfort baby's sensitive gums. Several solutions are offered ti parents to help them cope with baby's teething.
There are a multitude of remedies and solutions to help baby through this phase. The Pranarom PranaBb Gum Gel is an excellent solution to overcome baby's toothache. Enriched with essential oils and 100% organic, this gum gel is ideal to calm and sooth baby's discomfort. With a pleasant taste, it calms sensitive gums thanks to its gentle, aromatic formula.
A teething toy or ring is also an effective option to calm the pain of teething. The Luc et Léa Teething Ring is also an excellent alternative to help baby through this difficult time. This fun ring gently massages painful gums and soothes them as the teeth come through. Its bonus? When you put it in the fridge for several hours, it will instantaneously calm the pain and make teething pains much less sensitive for your child.
Apart from soothing the discomfort, there is no miracle solution to put an end to the pain. Sanareva offers you a multitude of accessories and products in this category which will help your baby get through this phase.