As the real support and protection of the human body, bones are made up of calcium to ensure their strength. As for vitamin D, it will play an essential role in the mineralisation process by allowing calcium to be fixed to the bones.
Acquired in childhood and adolescence, bone capital unfortunately tends to weaken over time. With age, certain pathologies such as osteoporosis can appear. This disease, which mainly affects women after the menopause, weakens the bones, which can easily break or collapse. Bone demineralisation can be accelerated by other factors such as smoking, alcohol or long periods of immobility. From childhood and throughout your life, it is important to strengthen your bone capital.
Find here a wide selection of food supplements for adults and children based on vitamin C, collagen protein or vitamin D. Before starting a course of dietary supplements, check with your doctor who will be able to advise you according to your needs.
For more information, please contact your doctor.